

您的位置:百味书屋 试题答案 > 过去分词练习及答案2 正文 过去分词练习及答案2 2017-01-12 06:20:23 来源网站: 百味书屋



be beat become

begin break bringbuildburnbuy can catch choose come cost cut do draw dream drink drive eat fall feel fight find fly forget get give go grow have /has hear hold hurt keep know lead learn leave lend let lie

lose make may mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see sell set send shake shall shine how sing sit sleep smell speak spend stand steal sweep swim take teach tell think throw understand wake wear will win write feel catchdream

do drink drive draw eat fall begin break feel know hold go give grow hear hurt feel run say swim tell teach wear think throw begin drive dream catch teach think bring fight keep sweep tell sell smell know grow fly leave



班级__________ 姓名 _________ 分数__________

51. say ________ 53. sleep ________ 55. send ________ 57. shine ________ 59. sit ________ 61. speak ________ 63. stand ________ 65. swim ________

67. teach _________

69. think


71. understand_______ 73. will ________ 75. write ________ 77. shake ________ 79. wait ________ 81. try ________ 83. snow ________ 85. relax ________ 87. rain ________ 89. point ________ 91. plan ________ 93. notice ________ 95. move ________ 97. play


99. study ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ 52. see 54. sell 56. shall 58. sing 60. smell 62. spend 64. sweep 66. take 68. tell 70. throw 72. wear 74. win 76. pay 78. walk 80. visit 82. stop 84. return 86. reach 88. push 90. pick 92. open 94. need 96. shop 98. hurry

100. enjoy ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________


________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________



1. 分词的定义:动词的-ed分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。

2. 过去分词的语法作用: 过去分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个形容词或副词,在句中可以作表语、定语、状语和补足语。

一 过去分词作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。如:

(1)感到。。。。。。的,指人时常用过去分词作表语, interested, excited, interested感兴趣的, tired疲劳的, pleased高兴的, surprised吃惊的

(2)表示完成的或被动的动作常用过去分词作表语, closed关闭的, lost丢失的, known著名的married已婚的, gone遗失的, worried担忧的

(3) seated/dressed /broken /based固定用过去分词作表语;

(4)get+过去分词作表语(get paid/changed/drunk/burnt/lost/hurt/injurieed/criticized



Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour.

He is quite pleased with the design of the dress.她很喜欢那礼服的式样。

He ______ _______ after reading the letter.看完信后, 他看起来担忧。

He ______ _____ ________ at the idea.听到这个想法, 他似乎相当高兴。

I ___ ____ ______ at the news. 听了这消息我非常高兴。

二 过去分词做定语










I found a lot of moved students, who were deeply moved by the moving film.

China is still a developing country while Japan is already a developed country.

The astonished expression on his face suggested that he knew nothing about the matter.

The seated students suddenly found all the seats were broken ones.

We need more qualified teachers.我们需要更多合格的教师


Is there anything planned for tomorrow?明天有什么活动吗?

The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.


The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.

The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.


We drank some boiled water and went on with our work. (=which ha dboiled)

He didn t turn up at the meeting held yesterday.

(=th emegwhihwasheldyesa .)

I found it hard to understand the English spoken by native villagers.

(=th e Enlh whch was spoen b y natve villers .)

______________ 被污染的空气___________ 落叶

三 过去分词做状语



1. 过去分词短语+逗号+主句

2. 主句+逗号+过去分词短语




与状语从句或 连词+过去分词 结构转换


① 表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词when或while来强调时间概念.

如:Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a big garden.

Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party.


Deeply moved by the story, the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other.

Encouraged by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle. ③表条件,相当于一个条件状语从句,有时过去分词前可用if等词。如:

Given another chance, he will do better.再给他一次机会,他会做得更好。

Compared with your brother, you should make greater efforts to study English.

If heated, water can be turned into steam.水如果被加热,会变成水蒸气。



Exhausted by the running, they went on running after the robber.尽管已经跑得筋疲力尽,他们


Laughed at by many people, he continued his study. 尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。 ⑤表方式或伴随情况。


The old man went into the room, supported by his wife.

Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job.


Seen from the space, the earth looks blue.

=When I t issee n from space, the earth looks blue.

Kept in refrigerator, these vegetables will remain fresh.

=If the y are ke pt in refrigerator, these vegetables will remain fresh. Deeply moved by the story, the children began to cry.

=A s th ey we re deeply moved , the children began to cry.

She walked out of the house, followed by her little daughter.

=She walked out of the house, and was followed by her little daughter. Beaten by the enemy, he refused to let out the secret.

=Althoug h e wasbe aten by the enemy, he refused to let out the secret.

四 过去分词作补足语



1. 说明宾语的动作或状态,表示被动意义或已完成意义。

2. 过去分词与宾语构成逻辑上的动宾(被动关系)


1. 介词+宾语+宾语补足语

2. 主语+谓语+宾语+动词过去分词


1.表 希望 意愿 爱憎 要求 的动词:want, wish, expect, like, hate, order

2.表感觉或思维活动的动词(短语) feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, look at, observe, notice, find, think, consider

3. 表示 致使 意义的动词 have, make, get, keep, leave

过去分词可以在see, hear, notice, watch, find, get, have, feel, make, leave, keep等词后与一名词或代词构成复合宾语,用作宾语补语。


When will you go to the hospital and have your tooth examined? 你什么时候去医院检查你的牙齿?

When you are making a speech, you should speak louder to make yourself heard.当这类句子变成被动语态时,过去分词用作主语补语。如:

One of the glasses was found broken.有人发现其中一个杯子破了。

They should be kept informed of the situation there. 应该让他们知道那儿的形势。


With many flowers(plant) around the building, his house looks like a beautiful garden. They left without a dish(touch).

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. 他昨天拔了牙。

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____once a month. 我每个月理一次发。

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____你应该说大声点让别人听到。

_____ . _____ _____ _____ _____ 人们发现水被污染了。

I _____ _____ _____ _____ on Sunday.我想在星期天完成工作。

He won t _____ such _____ _____ at the meeting.他不喜欢这样的问题在会上讨论。

五 特别注意

1. have+宾语+done 结构有三个含义

① (请人)把某事做完。

She had her house repaired. 她请人把屋子修好了。

Where did you have your hair cut? 你在哪儿理的发?


He had his hat blown away on his way home. 在回家的路上他的帽子被吹掉了。 She had her wallet stolen yesterday. 昨天她的钱包被偷了。

③ 完成某事 (自己也可能参与)。

I have had all my spelling mistakes corrected. 我把所有的拼写错误都改正了。 He has had one thousand yuan saved this year. 他今年已存了1000元。

2. 过去分词和-ing分词作表语的区别



Hearing the news, we felt very surprised.

The news is very surprising.这个消息很令人惊讶。

They were frightened to hear the frightening sound. 他们听到那可怕的声音很害怕。At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved to tears.

英语中这样的分词还有很多,如:amusing, amused; encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; exciting, excited; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; worrying, worried; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; interesting, interested; astonishing, astonished等。

3. 用分词短语作状语时,还应注意在句子主语和分词短语之间不能使用并列连词。如:

[误]Not knowing what to do,so she asked her friends for advice.

[正]Not knowing what to do,she asked her friends for advice.

4. 如果分词的逻辑主语和主句的主语不是同一个人或物时,就要用从句或独立主格结构代替分词短语作状语。如: As it was Sunday,the streets were especially crowded. 或:It being Sunday,the streets were especially crowded.

5. 某些现在分词可用来表示说话人对所说的话所持的看法或态度,它们已变成固定词组,在句中作独立成分,与句子主语无关。这类现在分词常见的有:generally speaking(一般地说),strictly speaking(严格地说),judging from /by...(从......来判断),talking of...(说到......),considering...(考虑到......),supposing...(假定......)等。如:

Generally speaking,it is not easy for a for eigner to learn Chinese well in a short time. Considering everything,it wasn t abad holiday.

6. 分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应和句子主语相一致。分词与主语之间如果是主动关系,就用现在分词;如果是被动关系,则用过去分词。例如:








being done(正在进行的被动动作)


having done

done/having been done(已经完成的被动动作)

Hearing the good news,we couldn t help jumping with joy.(=When we heard the good news,we couldn t help jumping with joy.)

Seen from the hills,the West Lake is very beautiful.(=The West Lake is very beautiful when it is seen from the hills.)


一 选择

1. I m going to have my car.

A. to be fixedB. to fix C. fixed D. to fix

2. What s the language in Germany?

A. speakingB. spoken C. be spokenD. to speak

3. some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.

A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. having been followed by

4. He had his leg in the match yesterday.

A. to break B. brokenC. break D. breaking

5. Most of the peopleto the party were famous scientists.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invitedD. inviting

6. more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given B. To giveC. GivingD. Having given

7. The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back.

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

8. The computer center, last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open B. openingC. having opened D. opened

9. in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost C. LostD. To lose

10.The Olympic Games, in 776BC, didn t include women players until 1912.

A. first played B. to be first playedC. first playingD. to be first played

11.Don t get in the rain.

A. to be caughtB. catching C. to catch D. caught

12. I found a carin a pool by the side of the road.



